Assault Rifles
Assault rifles are the best weapons in CS. All of them (except for the sniper rifles)are automatic, and some are equipped with small scopes. There is one AR with a small scope and one AR for close combat for both the Terrorists and the Counter Terrorists.
Name: Steyr Aug
Cost= $3500
Calibre size= 5.56mm
Clip Capacity= 30 rounds
Rate of Fire= 727 rpm
Muzzle Velocity= 2900 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 1570 joules
The Steyr Aug is one of the best weapons in CounterStrike. Equipped with a weak scope, it can be used for long range sniping, but is more efficient at close and medium ranges. An effective method for long range sniping with the Aug is to fire only one bullet at a time, so as to maintain accuracy, rather than empty an entire clip around your target.
Name: Sig550
Cost= $4200
Calibre size= 5.56mm
Clip Capacity= 30 rounds
Rate of Fire= N/A
Muzzle Velocity= 3100 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 1650 joules
Equipped on the Sig 550 is powerful scope with two zoom levels. This weapon can be effective, even if the aim is not excellent. Though not as powerful as other sniper rifles, it doubles as an effective close range combat weapon because it can fire in a semi-automatic fashion in or out of the scope.
Name: Sig552
Cost= $3500
Calibre size= 5.56mm
Clip Capacity= 30 rounds
Rate of Fire= 727 rpm
Muzzle Velocity= 2900 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 1570 joules
The Sig552 is one of the best weapons in CS, mostly because of its effectiveness at close, medium, and sometimes even long ranges. It is the terrorist version of the Steyr Aug, and is equal to it in almost every way. The problem with both the Steyr Aug and Sig552 is that when a target is at close-medium range, activating the scope will make hit hard to stay accurate, while not using it will make it hard to hit your target anyway.
Name: Colt M4a1
Cost= $3100
Calibre size= 5.56mm
Clip Capacity= 30
Rate of Fire= 685 rpm
Muzzle Velocity= 2900 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 1570 joules
The Colt is probably the best Counter Terrorist weapon in their arsenal. What makes it so special is you can attach a silencer to it, which can prove to be an advantage or disadvantage over your enemy. If your enemy is not aware you are near him, it is effective at getting the drop upon him/her. However, if you are to confront your enemy, it may be wise to remove it. This is because you get better accuracy without the silencer, and a higher rate of fire. With the silencer, you can empty a clip in 5 seconds. Without it, you can empty one in 4 seconds. This can make a big difference.
Name: Ak47
Cost= $2500
Calibre size= 7.62mm
Clip Capacity= 30 rounds
Rate of Fire= 600 rpm
Muzzle Velocity= 2329 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 1992 joules
The Ak47 is an original and well known firearm, a preferred weapon among terrorists. Technically, it is the equal of the Counter Terrorist's M4a1, but there are several differences between the two. For starters, the Ak47 has a lower rate of fire, and a slower muzzle velocity, and thus is cheaper than the M4a1. However, it makes up for this with a higher muzzle energy and a larger calibur size, making this weapon more deadly in a confrontation. Respectively, both weapons have their own advantagesover the other, and there really is no better weapon between the two.
Name: AWM
Cost= $4750
Calibre size= .338 magnum
Clip Capacity= 10 rounds
Rate of Fire= N/A
Muzzle Velocity= 3000 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 7000 joules
The AWM is the most powerful weapon in the game, with a potential one-hit-kill when shot in the chest or head area. Limb shots are incredibly close to fatal. The AWM fires the bullet at an impressive 7000 joules! Also, when standing still, it is virtually 100% accurate. However, it is much more difficult to successfully hit someone while running or strafing. The only problem is that you must reload between each shot, and it makes a very loud sound, giving up any chance of hiding you may have had. It is also a poor weapon to use in a confrontation, thus you might also be dubbed a camper if you want to actually kill anyone. The AWM is considered a "cheap" weapon because of its amazing power. But if it were so "cheap", it would have been removed from the arsenal a long time ago.
Name: G3
Cost= $5000
Calibre size= 7.62mm
Clip capacity= 20 rounds
Rate of Fire= N/A
Muzzle Velocity= 2800 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 2200 joules
The G3 is the Terroist's equivalent to the Counter-Terrorist's Sig550, except with a few differences. For starters, the bullets travel slower once fired, and fires weaker than the Sig550. However, it makes up for this with a larger calibur size. Basically, it has the same advantages and disadvantages that the Sig550 has.
Name: Steyr Scout
Cost= $2750
Calibre size= 7.62mm
Clip capacity= 10 rounds
Rate of Fire= N/A
Muzzle Velocity= 2800 feet/second
Muzzle Energy= 220 joules
The Steyr Scout is your basic sniper rifle. It is not nearly as powerful as the AWP, but is many times more silent, making it better to snipe without giving away your location. It also reloads slightly faster than the AWP, which can be an advantage.
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